Diez años de la reserva de biosfera Oxapampa – Asháninka – Yánesha (BIOAY): testimonios, reflexiones y logros |

MAB Activity Report 2016-2017 |

MAB Activity Reports (2014-2015) |

English; Spanisch; French
MAB Activity Reports (2012-2013) |

English; Spanish; French
Planet Austria Günter Köck - Lois Lammerhuber - Werner E. Piller Austrian Acadmey of Sciences
In German

Planet Austria page by page
Biospährenpark Wienerwald Andreas Schwab - Gerfried Koch - Lois Lammerhuber Edition Lammerhuber
In German
A Connoisseurs's World Günter Köck - Martha Umhack Edition Lammerhuber
In German and English
Biosphere Reserves in the Montains oft he World: Excellency in the Clouds? - Celebrating 40 years of UNESCO’s MAB Programme: an Austrian contribution
Austrian MAB Committee (ed.)

Reservas de la Biosfera de Chile – Laboratorios para la Sustentabilidad
Editores: Andrés Moreira-Muñoz & Axel Borsdorf
In Spanish
